2 research outputs found

    Grain refinement of deoxidized copper

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    This study reports the current status of grain refinement of copper accompanied in particular by a critical appraisal of grain refinement of phosphorus-deoxidized, high residual P (DHP) copper microalloyed with 150 ppm Ag. Some deviations exist in terms of the growth restriction factor (Q) framework, on the basis of empirical evidence reported in the literature for grain size measurements of copper with individual additions of 0.05, 0.1, and 0.5 wt pct of Mo, In, Sn, Bi, Sb, Pb, and Se, cast under a protective atmosphere of pure Ar and water quenching. The columnar-to-equiaxed transition (CET) has been observed in copper, with an individual addition of 0.4B and with combined additions of 0.4Zr-0.04P and 0.4Zr-0.04P-0.015Ag and, in a previous study, with combined additions of 0.1Ag-0.069P (in wt pct). CETs in these B- and Zr-treated casts have been ascribed to changes in the morphology and chemistry of particles, concurrently in association with free solute type and availability. No further grain-refining action was observed due to microalloying additions of B, Mg, Ca, Zr, Ti, Mn, In, Fe, and Zn (~0.1 wt pct) with respect to DHP-Cu microalloyed with Ag, and therefore are no longer relevant for the casting conditions studied. The critical microalloying element for grain size control in deoxidized copper and in particular DHP-Cu is Ag

    Mikrostruktura i w艂asno艣ci drut贸w kompozytowych Cu-Nb

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    Nowadays, there is much activity all over the world in development of Cu-Nb composites for their potential use as conductors in high field magnets. This study was aimed at investigation of microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties of Cu-Nb composite wires. The investigated materials have been processed by vacuum furnace melting and casting, and then hot forging and cold drawing. Initial results of research into Cu-Nb composite material obtained using repeated iterative drawing of niobium wires compacted into copper tube, have been also presented in this article. The ultimate tensile strength versus cold deformation degree has been presented. These changes have been discussed in relation to microstructure evolution. It was assumed that repeated drawing of compacted wires is a promising method for fibrous composite production (more than 823,000 Nb fibres of nanometric diameter) characterized by high mechanical properties and electrical conductivity. Original SPD technique applied for Cu-Nb composite deformation result in initial microstructure refinement and improves effectiveness of wire production process.Aktualnie obserwuje si臋 na 艣wiecie intensywny rozw贸j kompozyt贸w Cu-Nb stosowanych jako przewody nawojowe generator贸w silnych p贸l magnetycznych. Badania mia艂y na celu okre艣lenie mikrostruktury oraz w艂a艣ciwo艣ci mechanicznych i elektrycznych drut贸w kompozytowych Cu-Nb. Badane materia艂y wytworzono przez zastosowanie topienia i odlewania w piecu pr贸偶niowym, a nast臋pnie kucia na gor膮co i ci膮gnienia. Zaprezentowano tak偶e wst臋pne wyniki bada艅 wytwarzania kompozytu Cu-Nb na drodze iteracyjnego ci膮gnienia pakietu drut贸w niobowych w rurze miedzianej. Pokazano wyniki bada艅 wytrzyma艂o艣ci na rozci膮ganie w zale偶no艣ci od stopnia odkszta艂cenia, w powi膮zaniu ze zmianami mikrostruktury. Stwierdzono, 偶e wielokrotne ci膮gnienie pakietu drut贸w jest obiecuj膮ca metoda wytwarzania kompozyt贸w w艂贸knistych (ponad 823000 w艂贸kien Nb o przekroju nanometrycznym) o wysokich w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach mechanicznych i konduktywno艣ci elektrycznej